Thursday, October 11, 2018

Introducing Lacie, my girl, the love of my life.  She is my amazing little girl.  The two of us are like two peas in a pod.  

I decided to homeschool this year.  Not because her old school wasn't excellent, but because we have very unique circumstances.  Lacie has multiple diagnoses including Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.  She also has a very high IQ.  EDS are syndromes and as such can involve an array of complicated symptoms and subcomponents.  
For Lacie these include Celiac Disease, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and moderate to severe Sensory Processing Disorder.  

Our lives have further complications which will not be included in this blog, but have resulted in intense emotional complications for Lacie.  She is my grand daughter and I have had custody of her for many years and hope to adopt her when I can find the funds to do so.  I am single, so it is just me and my little side kick..or actually, I think it is the other way around....I am the side kick.  

If you have a child who "comes from a hard place" you need to google Karyn Purvis.  Her work is outstanding.  One thing I am learning that seems almost counter intuitive is that when Lacie misbehaves I need to pull her in instead of pushing her away.  For example, we do "time ins" instead of "time outs".  Sometimes when we are in the thick of it, I just want to run away.  But I see the expression on Lacie's face when she is having a melt down and it is a look of frantic helplessness.  Now I hold my hands out and she always takes them and I bring her in to a big bear hug.  Because she is a deep pressure seeker (SPD), this tight hug calms her and brings her back to the here and now.  

I have had "others" judge me for not punishing her for behaving poorly.  But I am discovering tried and true methods that work.  Her Occupational Therapists and people like Karyn Purvis are showing me the way to best care for this beautiful little girl.  

After raising four sons with more than my share of hiccups, I have a second chance to be a mom.  My heart is so full of love for this little one.  It hurts that she has so much in her little life to endure, but she is very strong and I will never give up on her.  

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